3.2.0 to 3.2.1


Optimization Server 3.2.1 introduces one break change in the Worker library.

You are concerned by this guide if you develop your own worker (Java or Python).

Development of applications

Library Backward compatibility Deprecations
Master API client Backward compatible
Worker (Java) Break changes: update library
Worker (Python) Break changes: update library

Deployment of Optimization Server

Chart Backward compatibility Deprecations
dbos-volume Backward compatible
dbos-secrets Backward compatible
dbos-infra Backward compatible
dbos Backward compatible
cplex Backward compatible

Worker (Java)

Break changes: update library

The version of the optimserver-worker library must be upgraded

dependencies {
    implementation ("com.decisionbrain:optimserver-worker:3.2.1")

Worker (Python).

Break changes: update library

The version of the optimserver-worker-shell must be upgraded

configurations { workerShellRuntime }
dependencies {